My physics teacher gave me shit in class because I was 20 minutes late to a 1.5 hour period, with an excused pass from the office. She was acting like a shit the entire class, telling me to start participating while I've got the fucking pen in my hand doing my entire group's project for them. I was late because PSE&G cut my power off because my mother couldn't make the payment. It took them two days to place the order for a technician to drag himself over and flip a switch in my building, and I was the only one in my two-person household who could stay to receive the heaping carcass of a human that took their sweet time in the basement. God damn people. Take a moment to recognize that there are other people around you with other shit to worry about. Fuck.
I was thinking a classic "I knew my location and momentum but never both at the same time, and I was therefore unable to cover the distance between home and class at sufficient velocity to arrive on time."
If I were a physics teacher I would have no other option but to smack you across the face for being such a smart ass. Lmfao.