I think he was pretty respectful. He said he had nothing to say, and to shut it down. So they could not say they were in control. The people I am volunteering for, are all 'Black Lives Matter' activists. They told him they wanted paid and he paid them before security. I would be so fucking pissed, if all the time I put into volunteering was derailed by a crazy person. What about all the small donors, who went without to rent that equipment. All off their hope for a sane future, derailed by a crazy person. Any other candidate would have used force, long before they got on stage, and verbally assaulted them.
I didn't watch to the end -- yuck, fighting. I think Sanders himself gets it on race. I just think he needs to be leading more on that, so both his white supporters and, ideally, black supporters know they don't need to either steal the mic or shout down black people trying to speak.
He is running for president, not to be a slam poetry host. That is Trump's gig anyway.