I suffer from severe paranoia and try to make it manageable by trying to turn it into "pronoia". What are some things you could tell yourself or a friend which would make them have pronoid thoughts?
Everyone cares about you. When people look at you they wonder if you are okay - and want you to be. Everyone is trying to help you best they can.
I have these occasional thoughts when I hear music that I've listened too, very quickly become popular, only just after I started listening to that song. Even though it's probably just.. What is it, confirmation bias? I like to think that I'm part of a Truman show thing. Now this sounds awful but, I'm in charge of what songs get popular. They turn to me and me alone to decide these trends. Bow to me, pop culture! But pronoia.. Hmmm. Really interesting idea. You know how.. When you're waiting for someone, and the second you get up to go find them, they will appear around the corner? Like bloody clockwork. I like to think that's life applauding you for getting up and taking charge. That's a massive stretch I know but it's all I could come up with quickly.