Volkswagen is going to launch foldable electric bikes very soon. It would be a handy scooter and we can carry it just like we carry our bags. Don't worry for its price because it's reasonable.
Hm. Hard to get excited about this. Honest opinion time: Feels kinda like it's aimed toward the "I want a Razor but I'm an adult" demographic. I have a friend like that... but he owns a Razor ($50 craigslist). To gear away from that... maybe consider a fold-able seat that's opposite the handle? Otherwise I get a "Hmm... expensive skateboard feel" (or, at the very least, visions of a Segway) Then again, it's probably aimed toward the middle- ~ upper- class... maybe that's too opinionated, sorry ;p But... I can go down the road to my 'Scooter shop and get a gas-powered knock-off "vespa" for 1/4 the price. Sure, it'd be gas, but that means I could (hypothetically) tinker with it and won't have to (hypothetically) worry if there's an outlet where I'm headed to. Now, if VW were to build a high-efficient, gas-powered scooter (with a seat, haha) I'd be willing to save up 2k and get one. Quite a few possibilities that route, imo... I'm thinking "dune scooters" Also, it'd be cool to know the weight... it's fold-able, but is it feasibly portable? Top speed? Typical battery life? (I know it's early, but a basic idea would be cool) (Note: It is my belief that until we are more reliant on alternate energy sources, "full electric" isn't much more energy efficient. Especially that, as of this writing, my Governor's (IN) stance on the matter is that we're staying Coal, regardless of federal regulation) /maybetooharshcriticism (#sorryifso) -hats
former '73 & '71 Beetle owner (edit: formatting)