I have come across many social media post that are really public spankings. Discipline your child however you like, but so do not want to see it on Facebook.
I feel like we're in this weird place at the moment where parents put tons of stuff about their kid (pictures, videos, anecdotes, etc) on Facebook. Now, whilst I think most parents have the best intentions with this, I do wonder about the privacy implications. Would I want Facebook having multiple-pictures-a-day from my earliest years growing up? I'm never quite sure if I should mention this to my sister, who is a prolific poster of pictures/videos of her two young kids. As to the public spankings, of course they shouldn't be on Facebook. It's pretty insulting, embarrassing and derogatory to their kids -- I think I'd struggle to forgive my parents if they'd done similar to me. There's also something troubling about a parent wanting to film that.
I agree. In addition, with geo-tagging child protective services will be able to track these videos down and may take these children away.
I can't understand why it is allowed in any developed country at all. In my country it is illegal to beat a child in any way (yes spanking is beating), so filming and putting it online just perplexes me. I have a daughter and I would never even consider beating her as a proper way of diciplining her. And if I ever did, it serves me right to be prosecuted for it
Also, look at the potential conflicts with putting that kind of thing online. Who would hire someone that, at the first glance of their name in a Google search, has a video of them beating their kid for all to see?
I never thought about spanking post and being hired for a job. I hope parents that post spanking on social media are not turned down for jobs.