I love Tweedy, all the way trough. I think it's some of his best songwriting in years. Also, normally I'd be skeptical of the whole "father/son" dynamic as just a dad appeasing his kid, but damn dude, Spencer can play. I'm a fan of his band The Blisters as well. Check them out, their album Finally Bored is fantastic. But yeah, Tweedy is great!
Word! I haven't had a chance to listen to Spencer's band yet but I had the same thought about the father/son dynamic, but Holllly hell can he drum. I love how the album kicks off in what seems to be a really weird time signature when it's actually 3/4 --- very cool stuff. I'll be sure to check out The Blisters. All the best to you!
I'll be sure to check out The Blisters. All the best to you!
and to you. Let me know what you think of the Blisters album. The bassist is a friend. They're tracking a new album. I'm pretty psyched.