My neighbor is a Ph. D. ethnomusicologist. He teaches at Cal Arts. He's programmed for Quincy Jones and Laurie Anderson. He traded his Ferrari for a Chevy truck because he was sick of being pulled over. We live in Westchester.
This is my friend Theron. We did a combined concert at one point where the orchestra and jazz ensemble were playing in the same concert. Before the show, a few of us were hanging around, and he started to play the piano. I had to stop what I was doing and just listen. To put that into context, I'm the sort of person who won't stand for an ovation when everyone else in the concert hall is. For the Cleveland Orchestra (one of the best orchestras in North America). I don't give out praise lightly.
I wouldn't take your word on it simply because you are self described as being hard to please. After all, you are biased when it comes to yourself. However, after watching the video, pay your friend Theron a complement from a stranger. He is a great pianoist.
I will let him know that. It comes from being a music student for a long time (applying for doctoral schools next year), and having incredibly high standards for my own playing. I have a joke "How do you describe a music student? someone who spends 8 hours a day in a tiny box being disappointed in themselves." Unfortunately, that attitude has become so heavily ingrained that I cannot turn it off. It ruins some things for me, but also allows me to appreciate the truly great performances and performers.I wouldn't take your word on it simply because you are self described as being hard to please.