I visited IRC tonight as I sometimes do and was chatting with OftenBen and thundara about the new robot that appeared.
As you may know, thundara had created a chatbot named lambda who will remember IRC names and conversations and rearrange them so it sounds like it is responding to you. To activate lambda on IRC, just mention its name and it will speak. Sometimes it writes poetry.
Yesterday, someone, maybe asdf created another bot named Bitch. Bitch seems to have a lot of attitude. Since lambda remembers words, it spoke Bitch's name leading to this conversation:
21:38 lambda lilbit, Bitch: is a bot, and i have one thing in the abdomen which collects urine from the sun.
21:38 Bitch Kiss my shiny metal ass, lilbit!
21:38 Bitch Get benched!, lambda
21:39 lambda Bitch: Get benched! !
21:39 Bitch Get benched! lambda
21:39 lambda Bitch: Get benched!, !
21:39 Bitch Shut up lambda!
21:39 lambda Bitch: Shut up
21:39 Bitch Screw you, lambda
21:39 OftenBen Oh my god!
21:39 lambda Bitch: Screw you. I just take you home with me you damn robot.
21:39 Bitch Go swivel, lambda
21:39 thundara A clockwork orange
21:39 lambda Bitch: Go swivel
21:39 Bitch Go away lambda
21:39 lambda Bitch: That's exciting. My little son. Well, you are the eels are crying.
21:39 Bitch Shut up lambda
21:39 lambda Bitch: Asdf: i'll probably shut it down in a second half.
21:39 Bitch Get out lambda!
21:39 thundara Dammit
EDIT Bitch seems to have been taken down.
Totally. Bitch needs a saint of a counterpart. Then it could be a menage a trois of sorts.
I frequent an IRC room for the popular webcomic xkcd, and this reminded me of years ago, when someone conducted an awful April Fool's Day "prank". There were three different bots in the room and I guess one of the maintainers thought it would be funny to get them to respond to certain phrases of affirmation or agreement with similar things like "indeed" "quite" "very much so", or something along those lines. But then they would also respond to these words if another bot said them, so you got ~30 messages of bots all agreeing with each other once one of them saw something it liked. They eventually failed to keep up with each other, or maybe somebody was cautious enough to somehow make sure it didn't go on infinitely, I never asked. But this happened repeatedly for hours. Not even the worst prank to occur in that channel, though.
I guess bots can be fun ONCE, but then it gets tiresome. Perhaps hubski can find a new botfree home. Meanwhile, your story of bots responding to certain phrases reminds me of an experience I had teaching in a special needs classroom. I was the supply teacher. There were about 10 intermediate-level kids. From time to time, I would say a word that made one kid fall out of his chair and crash onto the floor. (!!??)
The other kids would say to me, "He doesn't like that word, Miss."
"Don't use that word, Miss. He doesn't like that word."
It was kind of random. Otherwise, they were a good class.
They had a somewhat more in-depth conversation earlier: http://hastebin.com/raw/qutohahamu ( Bitch) I've had my genitals on live television, I don't need your
crap, lambda
That's a lot of angry bot action for thirty seconds or so.