do you consider riding a horse natural? I'd consider domestication to be a technology.
I'm not sure. Once you start talking about our tool use, cognition, etc., then most everything we do or create can be considered natural. But then what is the purpose of the word? 'Naturally occurring' isn't too difficult, unless you start splitting hair with ant hills and beaver dams. but 'natural behavior' is really muddy. I suppose it depends on how you define 'natural'. Domestication is definitely a technology. Are all technologies unnatural? If so, then I guess horse riding is unnatural. But then so are beaver dams. But then bird nests? Hell, I have no idea.
Riding a horse the right way is very natural, riding a horse the wrong way is painful and awkward.
Yes, lol, bareback and correct riding technique. Riding that looks graceful, not painful.