This gives me the warm fuzzies, because it helps create a space for people of colour in the Public Radio sphere. Public radio isn't, and shouldn't be just for rich white people, and it needs to shake that public image if it wants to continue.
There was a conversation about "radio voices" too, and how they don't represent people of colour, on Q a while ago (maybe a few months back). I'll see if I can find it because it was also really interesting.
Any person who identifies as a PoC want to speak to this? how do you feel about public radio? Do you feel that public radio needs to change to represent the broader spectrum of people in North America?
I remember listening to Definitely Not the Opera when I was a kid, and hearing the name "Sook-Yin Lee" (who had perviously been an MuchMusic VJ). It was probably my first experience with someone who had a "different name". Later I watched MuchMusic and saw George Strombolopolous.
While I am white, I have actually had the experience of "where are you from?" in the same way that people of colour are asked. I'm from Newfoundland, and my last name is Dutch (my grandfather immigrated after WW2), not English or Irish or Scottish. I was told, repeatedly, that my last name wasn't a "Newfoundland Name", and where was I from, even though on my Dad's side I am an 8th generation Newfoundlander. So, in some small way, I have felt the Othering that comes with not being "from around here." I would never wish it on anyone.