Standardized tests measure affluence over ability, and males of all races have more behavior problems than their female counterparts due to delayed executive functioning development. The only reason this is a story is because we have so much standardized testing that we can now provide data to something that has most likely always been the case. Note, it doesn't say that black males cannot read. It says that black males are not proficient at reading. Go take a crack at the SBA practice test sometime and tell me a kid who is hungry and who is exposed to hard living circumstances can be rated as proficient, or even basic on that test. Fair warning, you won't get a grade at the end, so you just have to self-assess how awesome you are ... or aren't ... in preparation for the real test.
I think it's that females are glorified, told to go out there, do amazing at school, go out there and do whatever your heart desires, education is seen as the amazing thing... and then males are sidelined, told athleticism is the end all, be all of their existence, and good grades are even looked down upon. This is of course coming from the perspective of someone still in high school.