If I were ever to buy a Mac Pro, it would be a special occasion. I would not have even recognized those off-white lozenges as Mac Minis. Wired says when they were starting up they “just wanted relatively cheap machines with good GPUs” and “We would just walk into one Apple store after another and buy them out.” Their API is fun. Here's the same image with "blur=50" added to the querystring.
A WILD WASOXYGEN APPEARS IN PUBLIC! That API is actually really cool! I'm 99% sure this is a publicity / marketing piece but I still really enjoyed it. I appreciate companies who actually create original, creative, and gorgeous content and not the standard bullshit corporate-speak or copy/paste jobs.
Hi everybody! Before retreating back into the safety of my mailbox, I'll point out that their earlier report on setting up the datacenter was good too: http://photos.imgix.com/building-a-graphics-card-for-the-internet I also noticed that if you change your user-agent string, the images are rendered in appropriate sizes. iPhone 3GS
iPhone 6 src="https://exposure.imgix.net/production/photos/b0ugpk1qk6na5rk9fpyr7b29854p9zfrqtsk/original.jpg?fm=pjpg&auto=format&q=95&fm=jpg&w=400"