At the meetup wasoxygen and I were discussing how when you switch from high school to college, you think you used to have it easy. Then you when you switch from college to career, you think you had it easy. Then when you have a kid, you think you had it easy before that. I'm surprised there isn't evidence that parenthood decreases lifespan.
Exactly. If it actually decreased lifespan you'd be gone by now.
damn, is work harder than school? I'm starting an internship on monday, 9-5 job and I was actually looking forward to all the free time i'll have compared to school. I mean, yeah it's 8h a day but there is the huge difference that the hours are predictable (not so much in school, kinda fucks you up to have to wake up at 7 or 11 depending on the day), i'm guessing not so much stress and finally you don't spend every waking hour worrying and trying to organize everyone and their crazy schedule to meet up to do the project. I was counting on the fact that I would do my 8h every day and then have alllll the rest of the day to do whatever I want and enjoy life for once. I mean, I ain't got no kids and live with my parents so as a spoiled brat i don't really need to do laundry of cook a lot... Is work still harder than school!?you switch from college to career, you think you had it easy
I don't miss school at all. The environment was more social, and there was a variety of things to do, but there was always some awful deadline looming. Sunday nights sucked. There are deadlines at work, but they only stress you out at work. It is great to leave at 5 p.m. and be free. Sundays are wonderful. It does help if you can postpone domestic responsibilities. I have more stress from my personal to-do list than I do from work duties. But there are also good reasons that most people follow the typical trajectory. There is a lot of satisfaction to be had from answering the challenges of the catastrophe, and a lot of benefit to being part of a family.[Spouse], children, house, everything. The full catastrophe.