Dendrophobe posted this awesome video from Ramona Falls, a band I had never heard of but glad I know now. I incorporated the music into these timelapse videos I made on the roof of my apartment.
dude you gotta make this into a full fledged music video. This is amazing!
elizabeth I've been making vines since people used to take them frame by frame and interweave them manually in edit mode. Luckily they allow you to upload any video to vine now so I replicated the process in a series of shell scripts. I use hyperlapse to take the initial timelapse video then I use avconv to split the video into frames. Then I either use cp to copy frames at a given frequency (or changing frequency) into an output directory. I then use avconv again to splice these frames together and add music to them. I also integrated the image algorithms I created for my twitter bot smoorpio into the framework. So I can transform any frame using the filter language I designed. I'll save details for smoorpio in a future post.
Wow, that's way more command line stuff than I'd expect for video editing. I'm impressed, I probably would've spent days looking for a single program that could do it all for me.