Sounds like an enviable position - the position to plausibly choose life over money, I mean. You don't sound crazy, you sound rational. It sounds like your employer is generous and values you. It sounds like you value your employer, they're just a drag on your life at the moment. Since you're thinking of quitting anyway, you have nothing to lose in going to them and asking to part-time it/part-remote it for six months in order to stave off burnout. It's been my experience that modification is always easier for all parties than burning it down and starting all over again - consider, if you took off your employer would be in a pickle, too. Approach the conversation from "I want to feel fulfilled but I feel responsible to my work here and want to ensure that I can provide for this organization long-term and I'm starting to burn out, can you help me reclaim my mojo" standpoint instead of a "take this job and shove it" standpoint. Frankly, if you drop to part-time for a finite period of time (end-game TBD) you save them a bunch on employment taxes etc. and there may be incentives for them if you're working remotely. I'll bet you can drastically improve your situation without having to grenade anyone's org chart.