anyone who lives in denver like to come kill me?
Hey, if you and steve aren't busy next weekend and the two weekdays to follow (23rd and 24th), I'm gonna be in Boulder on business. I'll be more than happy to drive the 45-60 minutes into Denver for dinner and/or drinks, if you guys are down. The only problem is that I have no idea when I'm going to be working, but if either of you think you'll have any time to spare, I'd love to meet as many Hubski-ites as possible. Just let me know if you'd like to hang!
I'm so jealous of the possibility. You guys should seriously meet up. All the people I've met on Hubski have been more than awesome. The more time the better but even short drinks are more than worth it. I think I got more worthwhile conversation in 2 hours with Complexity than I did in the 2 years with my ex.
Likewise - admittedly we were both very drunk and may have hallucinated the entire conversation, instead having sat silently staring at the potted plant next to us for two hours.
Heh, I pm'd 8-bit a week ago, but I didn't know who else is around Denver until I cruised this thread. I'll be in a company-paid rental car, so I aim to drive often (and possibly aggressively). We'll be in touch. I'll start a personal thread with the four of us later on this week. Ahh geeze, I'm doing fist pumps in my hotel room. Catch you guys soon!
I'd be up for it. I think we have a meetup queued for better weather anyway.
Well, I'll settle for your intentions. It's all just for a trip report, right?
Yeah. I did good with my Hong Kong trip report but I haven't been able to sit down and do the Bangkok or Sri Lanka ones. You know what else is silly? I literally put up like 500 Hubski stickers around every place we visited. A fat stack of them - gone. I also have like 2000 photos from the trip. Most are like random freakin' trees and shit. When it's all said and done, I literally have two photos of Hubski stickers in the wild. TWO! How does that even happen?
I hate how sarcasm is almost inoperable in plaintext without extensive context, i.e. my trip report comment. This is especially ironic because I'm in the middle of a trip report. Anyway, I hope your flight doesn't get pushed back any more. Best of luck, because that's all weather is to us at this point in mankind's history.