The Good Killing it academically right now, I've been in a great zone all semester and have gotten an "A" on nearly every assignment in every class. That doesn't normally happen, we'll see how long that continues. Motivation is fading fast with graduation coming. An unexpected friendship has been developing and I realized it's filled a hole, that being having someone to talk to everyday that isn't one of my roommates and is also an interesting person. Very much out of the blue, but I feel more relaxed since all this started because I can just send a message and say "let's hang out" and then later we will. feelsgoodman.jpg. The Neutral Planning planning planning planning planning planning planning planning. Also have a big presentation on Monday that I'm nowhere near ready for. The Bad More car problems, can't wait to get rid of this car. Stupid old cars that have been though too many winters. Everything is starting to rust out, I only need 3 more months out of it though. Still not back at the gym, but that should change next week. The Future Big things happening next week, can't wait to share it with y'all.
Preach. I'm rocking a solid 3.5 so far in pretty much everything, because I can count the number of graded assignments I've had this semester on 2 hands, so small mistakes haven't had a chance to get corrected.Motivation is fading fast with graduation coming.
The struggle is real. Especially when you already have a job lined up. Capstone and work intensive classes are not a good way to get people to stay fresh and motivated at the end of their undergraduate education. Pretty much have a countdown going at this point.