All this talk of "cabals" and "SJWs" has me curious as to what you think Hubski.
As a side note, I'm back after a long damn time away.
I hope you are well, I have no idea what you're talking about though.
SJW = hipster in the fashion that it's a term used an insult to toss at "those not like me", in this case typically due to views on feminism and trans issues, amongst other similar topics. This was a term typically applied to those within a cadre of people who take a militant stance about social justice issues, typically far and away on the fringe, politically. The cabal? There's only so many people who can or want to moderate, power unregulated has a proclivity to become concentrated, and in a environment of too much information, lines get drawn connecting dots that form a much more complex constellation of a story than the simple version that is often more likely to be true. To me personally, it feels more like a manifestation of blowback from progressive political and social topics that have been taking place on and offline by people ideologically opposed to their aims. Caught up in that are those that have questions about these aims and their nature from a place of sincere curiosity, but some zealous progressives can be a bit, uh, heavy-handed and extremely conflict-oriented with the feedback, and this doesn't lead to conducive conversation. Therefore, the opposing side seems more reasonable and somewhat resembles the world we live in, although on the fringes there are some nasty fascistic tendencies.
1 tbsp"SJW"
1 tbsp extreme social conservative
3 cups those caught in the middle who are paying attention more to polemics and adherence to a narrative that assists their worldview
add all ingredients to a pressure cooker that resembles the proper environment for some permutation of "free speech"
Toss in one M60 of a conspiracy-minded weirdo, seal lid and turn up heat to a point where some will claim that the pressure cooker can't handle it and will collapse in on itself or explode violently
Hide until the popcorn comes bursting out of the pressure cooker
Add salt and enjoy your popcorn.
I was thinking something similar: SJW started as a label for a very fringe group (see claims of white / cis / male being worse and not equals with peoples of other race and identity). However, it has since become a pejorative to refer to liberal activists of all sorts. Attended a march for worker rights? SJW. #blacklivesmatter? SJW. It's a little like "hipster" which itself started as a term for white people emulating black jazz musicians and has since been extended to include knitting.SJW = hipster in the fashion that it's a term used an insult to toss at "those not like me", in this case typically due to views on feminism and trans issues, amongst other similar topics. This was a term typically applied to those within a cadre of people who take a militant stance about social justice issues, typically far and away on the fringe, politically.
The ability for the internet to make anything into a pejorative is disturbing. It's mostly kids doing this but responding to stupidity with more stupidity is what the internet does best. See Anita Sarkeesian. She wants a more diverse representation of women in vidja games but clearly didn't play through Hitman. Internet court says the verdict is rape and murder threats
To be fair, it happens outside the world of the internets. O'reilly uses "liberal" as a pejorative in the same way that others might use the word "asshole". But anonymous threats, swats, and doxing + bullying are sadly more common among pissed-off internet kiddies.
Same smug superiority based on flawed concepts of knowing something that the rest of the world/community does not. Different types of crazy, though, where redpillers take their "cold hard facts" to an extreme, while SJW's tend to take their "moral superiority" to an extreme.
Trying to figure out what the fuck havires is talking about. I have a couple guesses but neither of them are worthy of this level of introspection. Edit: Found it. ZOMG. This is some straight-up Grassy Knoll back'n'2daLEFT tinfoil hat gold. It's like accusing the Little Rascals of orchestrating the stock market crash of 1929. 2 things: 1) "SRS" "TumblrInAction" and a bunch of other movements on Reddit (including this whole delicious gambit are the work of, that used to grief the website-of-the-moment but since 2009 or so have gotten all the lolz they could ever want out of Reddit. 2) Reddit used to be open-source. It was Alexis and Steve's hope that by putting the code out there someone would refine it to the point where it doesn't need hand-holding. The end result was a handful of Reddit clones that immediately fell apart without the minute-by-minute hand-pruning of spam that actually makes up the majority of the man-hours on Reddit. The only part that wasn't published was Reddit's anti-spam measures, which is probably because they didn't want you to see the Emperor's New Clothes. Somewhere not very deep behind a $10 paywall there's a bunch of clever-yet-marginally-antisocial gentlemen laughing their asses off. This article is six years old but the methods and motives are unchanged.
I expected this to be about their advertising revenue for charity thing that they're doing a terrible job of advertising.
It seems pretty obvious that they banned him for trying to evade a ban. Not sure why this is news, happens all the time--hell, even the cesspit of the internet, 4chan, has rules about this. We should just be glad they aren't migrating here, because I've heard that's generally a bad thing for content and community.
That's why I'm here, kind of. I personally haven't got into any pointless arguments with SJWs or anything like that, but I have got too aware of Reddit's flaws. Not just once, I have written a comment, but not posted it, because rereading I thought to myself: "I can't post that, there are crazy people here and it's possible to find my real name.". I'm not even talking about posting controversial, to the specific subreddit, comments, which itself is a flaw with Reddit. I'm talking about subreddits without any obvious ideological alignment. Neither I'm saying shitty things, I always thought, that you should post the way, that you wouldn't be embarrassed to read it to your mother. Then there's the problem with moderators. Feels like too many of them are corrupt and too many aren't acting in the community's best interests, intentionally and unintentionally. The motives vary (ideological, monetary, power hunger), but the result is the same - very controlled communities with hidden agendas. It's not a noticeable problem for the average user and there are plenty of honest, small/narrow subreddits, but it makes me feel uncomfortable and unwilling to contribute to anything to Reddit. Self-appointed moderators are a bad idea.
The talk of cabals and SJW are from a fairly small group of people who are too stupid to realize the people getting banned are almost always being done so for reasons that aren't posting to X sub or such. For those out of the loop, /r/metaredditcancer (never mind, got banned.)
Hello. I have not met you yet, but I am glad to see you return. What do you mean specifically?