Uhh... just an orange juice please. After several failed attempts at making a Twitter AIsh Bot in the past, I have an idea now which seems a lot easier. Previously I was going to have the emotion and weight of that emotion in every context of every word defined by hand over time, then I realized that I don't have infinite effort shrugs. Now I have an idea to automate this, I define a few adjectives(Love, hate etc.) and search twitter for "I love x", once I find something which the majority of people love and very few hate(Breaking Bad?), I will search for "I <adjective> Breaking Bad" and now I have a bunch of words/word groups similar to "love"] If I automate this with a Twitter4J, I can buid a database of words, word groups and profiles of various things. Which will open up doors for more fun. Just an idea though, I wouldn't be very surprised at all if I run into a million huge problems. Either way I'll have fun and probably learn something. Anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing?
I've definitely looked into it, and thought of doing similar things. What I've found is that matching strings like that and finding a good sample size can be difficult. Not to mention 400 other little things that I didn't run into that you will... I've never worked with the twitter API as well, so that may have it's own hurdles. I one day hope to make a digital assistant of my own. I think that would just be awesome and it's been a goal for me since I was young. Best luck to you on your bot endeavors!
Oh yeah, I would have given up ages ago if it weren't for the "This is awesome" factor, and I bet the idea of building an AI crossed the mind of everyone who has made an 'if' tree before Slightly relevant xkcd The isn't an official twitter API I know of, but Twitter4J is fairly well documented and really easy to use, I'd recommend it if you're not a javaphobe. It was quite confusing to register an app at dev.twitter.com but you only have to do that once.I one day hope to make a digital assistant of my own. I think that would just be awesome and it's been a goal for me since I was young. Best luck to you on your bot endeavors!
What I've found is that matching strings like that and finding a good sample size can be difficult.
Not to mention 400 other little things that I didn't run into that you will...
It will be a blast! :D