Hey ya'll, my real life bro vjoriqor has been convinced to join Hubski. He's the prettiest one in my group of friends and pretty much the only one I would recommend joining the site. So, you know. Say hi and stuff.
eep, you're the best. i love being called pretty, it is such a nice adjective that boys don't get enough. gender norms are fucky u.u also, hello world! hubskin is gonna be something something, that's for sure. on a side note, your sister is definitely the prettiest one in the group. but i don't know if she counts.
Welcome! You have the best possible tour-guide for your journey through "hubskina" in 8bit. Still, let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions regarding the site. It's always nice to hear about how someone perceives Hubski upon first arrival. Enjoy your time here, I'll see ya around!
Do you watch Trailer Park Boys? Because the only people I've seen using the word "fucky" watch that show. Hi and stuff....gender norms are fucky...