I'm just going to say yes to everything and see where it leaves me
You sound like you would make a good Dungeon Master.
I tabletop very intensely a few times a year, and my current campaign, Practical Magic: A Beginners Guide to Manipulating the Universe is going to have it's third session tomorrow night. I've also done classic D&D, from the 2nd Edition up to the current 5E. (which is SUUUUUUPER easy for beginners to pick up, I might add.) The last game that I ran, Dark Water, was the story of a group of scientists and deep-sea operations crew of various flavors exploring an ancient temple at the bottom of a newly formed ocean trench, with much of the game taking place inside a pressurized submarine habitat (That I modeled in minecraft) , much like the Michael Crichton novel, Sphere. The crew retrieve several artifacts from the temple, and things quickly turned supernaturally spooky. To increase the atmosphere of the game, I played ambient submarine creaks, ocean noises of various kinds, and blacked out the lights when the habitat lost power, forcing them to use flashlights, scraps of paper and cellphone timers to keep track of how much oxygen they had left. A few unexplainable events (and psychotic episodes) later, a bunch of people are dead, a few are crazy, and a Lovecraftian horror was headed to the surface to sow chaos until it gets nuked or something. What was your latest adventure 8bit?
I played Pathfinder with some people who've never played a tabletop before. Basic campaign. Playing with new people is fun. They don't give two shits at first, ask for random things that lead to hilarious situations, then get really invested by the end of the campaign. Poor Havoc the Low Templar. He was a hero to us all.
that has been sounds_sound's philosophy for years and it has served him well.
I think this plan may actually lead to incredible things, and totally work out for you... as long as you don't announce to anybody that you're doing it.