Today we are enabling the same thing for tags. On external posts, you can select tags that you would like to ignore. As a result, no external posts with that tag will appear in your feed.
Importantly, just like ignored users, ignored tags will appear in your feed if someone you follow uses that tag, or if they share a post with that tag. Like ignored users, ignored tags that end up in your feed are red.
Tags and users that you ignore can be seen in your control panel, which is reached by clicking your name in the upper right.
As always, feedback is welcome!
p.s. Tags have probably been the most debated function here on Hubski. It is very unlikely that this is the last word on them. Definitely feel free to share what you think about them, or any ideas regarding them in general.
I saw a post about Architecture. Ignored it, and reloaded page and it didnt show up. Perfect, but here is how it gets better. I also decided to follow Lessismore, as he/she has some good posts. Now, lessismore is the one who posted the architecture thread, and even though I ignored architecture, I'm following lessismore, so it showed the thread, but showed I had also ignored architecture by putting it in red. Love it!