Also know as, "Stirring Shit" by caelum19 ;) I have 10 people filtered. Some of them I get along fine with and enjoy talking to (especially in IRC) - the content they share simply isn't up my alley. Some of them infuriate me, even if I agree 9/10 times - that one time usually causes sparks. I'm far more likely to filter out URLs and Tags. For instance, I have filtered out, because every time I read an article from it, I feel as though I lose 20 IQ points. I also have the sexism, feminism, and queer tags filtered out. Despite being both gay, and a supporter of women's rights (equal rights) - these tags almost always contain things that irritate me, and are almost always used by incredibly sensitive people, and I'm an incredibly insensitive person. I only have two people muted: that guy who keeps posting about the Fed Reserve, and a guy who posted on a comment of mine a few weeks ago and infuriated me because of his (I assume) stupidity: don't insult my friends, don't call them murderers.
Haha, I should write a book and call it that... It would be about 70% of my posts on Hubski. I visited and yeah... The sub-titles on that "slideshow" at the top are incredibly dumb. Atleast they interviewed someone called "Patrick Cockburn", which helps.
Also known as, "Stirring Shit" by caelum19
I only have two people muted: that guy who keeps posting about the Fed Reserve...
Is he a conspiracy nut or something? I'm suprised more consipracy nuts don't visit hubski.