Hey guys, So I've been here for a while, and have even posted and commented on a few things. But I still feel like a total newb. I mean, I get what hubski is about - like, being a community open to discussion, which I love, which is why I came here - but all I've managed to do is subscribe to a few hashtags... I don't feel like I'm getting the full experience, basically. What do you have to do to get that? How do I hubski?
Hi nimbus! If you haven't already read the primer and FAQ I would recommend starting there. I'm a big fan of subscribing to people, hashtags, and domains. But doing so in a way that carefully cultivates all three. If you check out the community page and click on some users I'm sure you'll find some that post and share content that you find interesting. The badges page is a great way to find some of the best content on this site and will also open up pathways for exploration into putting together a killer feed. I probably use the chatter feed too often, it's a good way to see what people are talking about in real time. Same goes with the tmi page, which is actually how I found out about this post! One last thing, applying tags to your submissions is a great way to get this seen by more people. Only people that follow you, check the global feed page, or tmi (while this post is still the most recent) will see this post. I've tagged it #askhubski. p.s. insomniasexx and thenewgreen are better at this than I am but I hope all of that helps you!
Yep, check out the #newtohubski tag as a lot of people may have already asked some questions about things you are curious about. Welcome!
Pshhh - you did really well! I might steal a couple lines of this for next time I manage to introduce myself to a new user!p.s. insomniasexx and thenewgreen are better at this than I am but I hope all of that helps you!
nimbus - I see that you follow one person, and following thenewgreen is a good start. He's almost everywhere and like insomniasexx, he never sleeps, but also follow #pubski and the contributors there. I'd say that the recent post there will give you a pretty good idea of the human face of hubski if you like human nitty gritty. Posts like pubski remind us that we live in bodies in communities while filling our brain with hubski articles about politics, science, technology, global brains, philosophy and listening to the background music landscape of the #music posts. Have you seen eightbitsamurai's dramatization of all things hubski, written during a Ramadan-induced fasting fever. Many of us have avatars who are trying to save Hubskina from a Tidder (reddit) invasion. If you like any of the slogans suggested for hubski, you might want to follow the sloganer. Let us know when your experience intensifies. EDIT: and read mknod's advice here on how to hubski. It should be on a t-shirt in teeny tiny text.What do you have to do to get that? How do I hubski?
but then you check hubski and see that you have been recognized for your awesomeness, and you smile - maybe even chuckle, and plan a nap. edit:
NAP QUOTES referenced by 8bit in his thx to refugee:
Ask not what a nap can do for you, ask what you can do for your nap.
hey, thanks lil. All that really helps :) It's funny, I'm kind of a reddit migrator - well, to say that is really an overstatement. I don't consider myself a redditor at all. I basically tagged onto it on a whim and loved the idea of curating that it encourages, but soon found that it wasn't for me. I guess, despite having a few positive experiences discussing interesting topics, more of the time I was hesitant to post into the community - there was already a system of humor nuances and biases that almost feel restricting in a way. But to someone else that's the very thing that makes the community for them, so I've got nothing against that. It's just not for me. (and don't get me started on all those "le reddit armie has arrived" comments on youtube.) Whenever i saw hubski in my bookmarks I knew there was something I was missing, i just had to scratch past the surface. I hope that makes sense, it's 2am haha. But thanks, mknod's advice was really good. I'll slowly keep following tags adn people, thanks :) From what yourself and ButterflyEffect have said, I do feel very welcome here.