The only issue here (with me anyway) is that whole thing seemed really sarcastic. If those are the questions that they can't stand, why do they bother to take time to answer them (such as this article "did")?
the medium of the blog post lets them vent how they would want to answer (after a long period of micro- and macroagressions) while granting actual answers. they're questions they can't stand because they come from a place of ignorance that many people harbor. is that what you're asking?
Maybe it went over my head, as I did only skim the article, but it didn't seem sarcastic to me. It makes sense they'd take the time to answer them, as now the people that may be tempted to ask the questions in the future already have the answers and can share that information. In my eyes, it's almost like an FAQ. Those 8 irritating, commonly asked questions are now in one convenient place with relatively detailed answers.