I'm not saying you looped it in, I'm saying it's silly reasoning period, regardless of who introduced it. also, the aggressive negotiating of salaries isn't the only thing attributed to why men are paid more than women. The statistic doesn't take into account that men work more hours than women (statistically, women tend to work part-time, men tend to work over-time), nor does it generally take into account years of experience or years working. I'm specifically thinking about a study they did with doctors in which they not only looked at doctors, but they looked at specialists who had worked roughly the same number of years (they weren't comparing a brain surgeon with 30 years experience with one who only had 2, for example), and they found the salaries to be on par with one another. Most of this will continue not being mentioned by a lot of people who want to push the idea of the patriarchy specifically because it goes against that narrative, and that's unfortunate.
I have to admit I'm confused by your response, perhaps it's because you cherry picked the quote? I really don't know, but your response seems strange to me.I'm not saying you looped it in, I'm saying it's silly reasoning period, regardless of who introduced it.