All I can do is smile and nod and wait until morning. Funny enough, that's how I interact with drunk friends in the real world too.
I'm seriously going to kidnap swedishbadgergirl and then come to you. Not tonight though. I have work in the morning. Tomorrow. Why?, you ask Because I feel like that would be an excellent time.
I would never attempt to seduce an artist so they changed their art. I would simply change it myself after you are chained to the bed.
"Yeah, pretty much", said sober kleinbl00. Only because I know one color costs a lot less than "all colors" I figured black und white would do just fine. Also, I might shift your "master circle" up and to the left as Kevin Costner would say so that you get more black in the field.
That was super fun. Woke up late though. No hot water. Pounding headache. Wooo, LIFE!