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comment by nowaypablo

I'm going to be an obnoxious prick again to plug in my favorite band, if you're going to listen to Radiohead's songs. Note: In Rainbows is the most friendly and summarizing album, you could start there or:

if you're into rock and more hesitant of electronic/"Weird shit" listen to:

Paranoid Android

Karma Police

Street Spirit (Fade Out)


My Iron Lung

These are their biggest rock hits, from albums The Bends and OK Computer.

If you can dig deeper into some nonconventional stuff, listen to the Hail to the Thief and Amnesiac albums, especially:

2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up, Backdrifts, Myxomatosis, and A Wolf at the Door (<-all four grow on you quickly)

Pyramid Song, I Will (these are mellow-er)

I apologize and enjoy! edit: I really like radiohead