That is a tough one, but I think I'd go with option B.
>Now I just need the audio cable replaced for the 3rd time on my record player. Damn rabbit. Kids too man. I built a $2100 laptop, only to have my 2 year old son at the time think it was a good idea to grab my large cup of orange juice all over it.
Oof, thankfully our 1-month old isn't quite a hellion yet. But this rabbit has caused us to replace 7 phone chargers, a hair straightener, several video game cords, 2 alarm clocks, and who knows what else in the past year. Seriously, never get a rabbit without severely bunny-proofing your house. Thankfully we learned.
Luckily I can't own any rodent due to the smell driving my pet python crazy, but the cat has a good time with all of my cords too. Congrats on the new baby!
Our cat goes crazy hunting down the rabbit, but thankfully he's a Flemish Giant, so he can take the cat. And thanks!
Holy shit! If I saw that thing I'd definitely think twice, as a human!