If I were asked if I felt confident in childhood vaccination in a survey I'd say "no."
Here is how the survey was presented: Please indicate how confident you are that the statement is correct.
How would you respond? Childhood vaccines are safe and effective
[ ] Extremely confident
[ ] Very confident
[ ] Somewhat confident
[ ] Not too confident
[ ] Not at all confident
These surveys make me uncomfortable. I respect the 2 to 4% who refuse to respond. When the statement is "The Earth is 4.5 billion years old," what is the alternative? 4.6 billion years? 4.54 billion years? Six thousand years? I think you are expected to turn off most of your critical thinking and say "yeah, sure, everybody knows smoking causes cancer" (4% not too/not at all confident).Very confident.
You're one of the good guys then. The article worries about those who were "not too confident" (11%) or "not at all confident" (4%), saying that "15 percent — have doubts about the safety and efficacy of childhood vaccines." PDF with results.