Never heard of a court nullifying someone's vote here in India before, or anywhere for that matter. It is good to vote and keep oneself engaged in the socio-political structure. I somehow gives a -gasm to debate on something very much physical and current. Agreed! Democracy beats the hell out the alternative most of the time, if not all.
Ah, let me clarify. It wasn't my vote specifically. In 2000, the people of the US elected Al Gore as president. I voted for him. The Supreme Court then decided that a subset of ballots in Florida didn't count (because of some tortured legal logic), thus allowing George W. Bush to have a majority of votes in Florida. Because of our crazy electoral system, this allowed Bush to win on a technicality, even though Gore had many more total votes (and more in Florida, although some were disallowed, as I stated). It was the kind of thing that the US would have condemned outright had it happened in your country or anywhere else. Here, it was business as usual.