I'm sorry if this has already been posted, but I didn't find it after searching it. I've been on hubski for a few months now, but I'm just beginning to come on on a more regular basis.
In the same vein as this post from a few days ago, I was wondering which tags I should follow. What kind of tags do you follow? Do you prefer tags with more or less followers?
Many ways of approaching tags. I assume you are asking this question because you want to populate your feed with interesting posts. You want to become more informed and share more. You could, 1. Follow topics you are interested in, for starters. If you don't know what you are interested in, you could 2. Follow "thehumancondition" and find out. 3. Click "tags" and "most followed" and see which tags are most followed, or 4. Read something that interests you and follow the tag it falls under It all comes down to what you want to fill your head with. You could also 5. Follow no tags, but follow the person who posts things you are interested in. Everything can be found under "global."
That is the purpose of the personal tags. And if I don't want to see your posts for whatever reasons, I can ignore you or just ignore that specific tag. It works well everyone has complete control over what they see and don't see.
It all sounds really good this but still can't get my head around it. Say I start uploading my electronics tutorials under "electronics" then if someone else starts using that tag but they have a completely different idea for what they think the "electronics" tag should stand for, where do we go from there?
As I understand it there are no moderators.
Here at Hubski we typically approach problems as they arise rather than playing guessing games about what the future holds. Of course users are going to occasionally disagree what tags should be used, but abusing tags is never going to work out well. Further, since we all want the content to be organized and easy to find, I'm sure some consensus could be reached. Also, it's worth checking out personal tags if you are going to be consistently posting something that is yours. This allows you to build collections of your stuff with a tag that no one else can use.
No worries. I wasn't very clear. Let me know if you have any other questions. Welcome to Hubski!
What do you like? I like books, reading (and related literary tags like writing, poetry and so on), philosophy, classicalmusic, and technology (and related tags of interest, like privacy and linux). I suppose a nice quirky tag I follow is #birds tag. It's got only two posts, but I'm sure with time it'll change (I might post something in that sometime soon; Perhaps something related to owls...). Another quirky, but really dead and underused tag is #sakamotosunday, which is apparently devoted to posting the music of composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, but there has only been one post in that (I guess I'm gonna fix that tomorrow.) I suppose those unused tags don't count as good, but I liked them enough to follow them. Additionally, the main draw of hubski is in reality not the tags, but the people. The concept in my mind is that a person you know posts good quality stuff is more likely to... post good quality stuff. So you follow them and never get something low quality. A tag and the people using the tags might grow to a point where only silly stuff gets visibility, but a good person is not likely to change their habits. In reality I follow more tags than people anyway, but I suppose if Hubski ever grows big enough, following people might be a better idea.