Wow, I'm actually impressed people still get viruses in this day and age. You have to work to do that these days. What kind was it, if I might ask?
Really Shitty Virus. People might have to work at it, but babies don't. Something something walking on hands something something hands in mouth.
Ahhh I see. My apologies for misunderstanding virus/computer virus. One of my favorite high school teacher's son had this, as well as his other son having cystic fibrosis. He told us about both diseases and what work he had to do every day to treat them. Lots of hard work.
He liked to give us comparisons on the parts of the lungs that were affected and how he taught both of them about functions of his body of it, so it was a more a teaching experience for his family and making them interested in medicine in a fun way. But yes, his son's condition was extremely severe. Use of breathing machines at certain points in the day and such.