I wrote a poem recently which I thought Hubski might enjoy.
Look Up
I dream of a world where people look up
so they see color, past the petty things
and into the great galaxy
graciously begging to be pondered
I dream of a world where people look up
where people look past our great blue sky
past the birds and the planes and our insignificant little lives
and out to the cosmos
where the answers lie
I dream of a world where people think beyond themselves
think to dream to see to understand what lies beyond
beyond this little blue dot we call home
this small, little, blemish in the great macrocosm
of what we observe to be the only existence we know
I dream on, as only dreamers can
as I do, of a promised land
not of god, but of men
of real little people, and real great thinkers
even perhaps the slightly odd tinkerers
that inhabit our little blue dot
I dream of a blue dot marred not through black blasts and slate scraps
of our measly scuffles
which the great Beyond passes by
as mere, fleeting moments
in a time which isn't ours
Our lives, though they be rough
are small in the large which we may not yet know
but we can still imagine
what the world could be with compassion
Dream on, fellow dreamers, and when it all goes to shit
Look up.
December 2013