Google defines "prosperous" as: So I'll roll with that definition. Which values are you talking about specifically? I've mentioned this on a few other comments, but I'm kind of struggling right now with motivation and goals. And I guess my "core values" would be centered on obtaining or achieving those goals. The easiest route would be to gain material wealth. Which has been my aim for a while. But if I had to give up what I truly wanted just to "flourish financially" then the answer is no. Before I probably would've said yes, but past me is an idiot. I've already confirmed that by now. I've already crossed a few legal boundaries, so that obviously doesn't stop me. My views never really lined up with the law anyway. Of course, following the law is still important in my goals, so I follow them. Overall, this question is incredibly vague. If there were a 100% chance to follow me dreams (whatever they may be) with a 0% fail chance, then I would do it. Material wealth doesn't play into that at all. Well, it does to a point (studies say $75k/year is enough).successful in material terms; flourishing financially.