Another article that incorrectly generalizes "the internet." I'm online all the time and I haven't heard of this guy. Worried about your rotten online life? Get the fuck off buzzfeed.
It went pretty viral. I was laughing at it but I didn't really care if it was true or not. It was a short story told in twitter screenshots and provided an entertaining 2 minutes. I'm still not sure why we continue to overanalyze these sorts of things. People will always lie, make up stories, do things to make themselves look better, etc. It happened before the internet and will continue to happen online and offline today
so was this! irrelevant but potentially more entertainingIt was a short story told in twitter screenshots
I think it's over-analyzed due to over-exposure. Now that I think of it, is "over-exposure" even a thing anymore? When something is spread so quickly and thoroughly it is often not subjected to critical analysis prior to being welcomed as truth by large groups of people. While this particular instance seems relatively harmless, it's sad to to think of how widely accepted other bits of untruth can become, for purposes of exemplification: the vaccination debacle. I think debunking even the most innocuous bits of misinformation can help stem the tide of these sorts of things.