The user didn't know
What to post for the guys
To make their heads explode.
"What's the matter, my dear?"
Asked the admin polite.
"It's the end of the year
And I don't know what to write!"
"How about posting a video?
'Cats playing patty-cake'?"
"Jeez, admin, don't you know?
It's Christmas, for God's sake!"
"Cats are cute and all that,
but that's not christmas cheer.
I want something special,
Something really sincere."
"You could try a song.
A fine example of the fine arts!
A good old fashioned tune
To melt down their hearts."
"I don't really think so.
It would be too cheesy.
Everyone's gonna do it.
That's just too easy."
"How about a picture?"
Said the admin with a gasp.
"Do one about Christmas.
That'll be a blast!"
"I don't really think so."
The user replied.
"Oh, I'll never find it!"
He sobbed, teary-eyed.
"Then why don't you share?
It's easy as a click.
Just find something you like,
Something you could pick."
The user said to himself:
"That's not a bad concept.
I'll do it!", he shouted.
"That one I can accept."
The admin went on his way
And the user on his,
Both knowing that now
Conversations would be spread