That's a good point, it is a bit disturbing that violence is never presented in a matter of fact way. That said, it's got to be a defense mechanism to protect oneself from the raw brutality of it. To somehow keep us above the animal nature of violence. He keeps the psychology of violence largely out of this too. He mentions when people are scared etc, but doesn't dwell in analyzing or over-hyping the internal dialog or conflicts. -There is no internal dialog to speak of really. It's just "this happened" and then they move on.
It's wonderful in that regard. It keeps the flow precise and makes the beauty that much more enjoyable; there'sno moraliz ing, no opinions, no purple, nothing but depiction and story. None of those things, save purple prose, are bad, but there's something so meaningful in the writing that can express itself, to simply be from a mastery of language and mere existence.