Only the failures. You wanna see what believing your own hype looks like? Check out Kevin Smith or M Night Shamalyan. Hitchens had the requisite amount of anger right about the time the atheists were getting brave. You'll notice they quote Sam Harris a lot less - he's less "quippy" and he's a lot less pissed off. He's a better writer, though, and he's more truthful.
Big left turn, aside: My moms in town and thus, I have a couple evenings free and want to go see a movie. Only have pretty mainstream movie theaters. suggestions?
A while back I remember you writing that your friend had some kick ass photos of Dubai. I'm guessing it's the same friend? The scenes there were pretty kick ass. Chase scene in a sand storm, the kind of thing you could only get away with in a movie called "Mission Impossible". Verdict, it was a good action film. I'd recommend it to people that like action films that are incredibly straight forward and with little to no subtext. Thanks again for the recommendation.
Guy who I saw it with was one of four storyboard artists. Works with JJ Abrams often enough to call him "JJ." Guy who took photos of Dubai worked for this company: They did the fountain at the Birj, same as they did the fountain at the Bellagio.
Cosmo is an amazing hotel btw. Hope your projects are going well. I bought it a little over 6 months ago between Chapel Hill and Durham, NC. I think I'll be lucky if I break even on it when I sell 3 years from now, but my wife loves it, I love it. It's not an "investment", it's where I live. I'd much rather live beside a "waterfall" in WA but till then, this will do.
Definitely the selling point of the home. I love, love, love that stove. It makes cooking even more enjoyable when you have good equipment. Now there's no one but me to blame if a dish sucks.
We already make booze, and we do a damn fine job. This, however, changed everything: