I wrote it a little over two years ago in a month, as part of a NaNoWriMo event (that strangely enough, wasn't in November). I haven't done much with it outside of self-publishing and a little book launch with a few musician friends, but I like having it exist.
I hope you enjoy.
Hey there, I finally got around to reading this and have to say I really enjoyed it. I don't know why, but I found myself comparing it to Bret Easton Ellis' Less Than Zero, which also has a lot of drug use and delves into the lives of a young generation looking for a place, but where that one was heavily pessimistic, you showed a more optimistic look into the future. Maybe it's the scenes that are different, maybe it's just the generations changing... In any case, I liked your novel, and felt like telling you that.
Ah, awesome, thanks so much! It always makes my week when I hear people have enjoyed it. The Less than Zero comparison makes me especially happy - it's one of my favourite books. I actually read it a couple of months after writing Against the Current, which is interesting. Thanks!