I feel for these people.
I think there are jobs out there, it's just whether you are willing to go out and find them or do work that you think is "beneath" you. I'm not passing judgement, it's just a fact that some people aren't willing to get their hands dirty for minimum wage.. can't say I blame them. The RV lifestyle is a unique one. Some people really love it. I imagine it would be a difficult way to grow up though.
Most of the time, especially in this economy, it's not the job-seekers who are worried about work that is "beneath them," it the job-hirers: http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/employment/2011-03-02-... More and more people are being shunned for being overqualified as more and more skilled labor is outsourced, off-shored, and just made obsolete. But, the most surprising thing about the article for me was the existence of a subculture of nomadic unskilled workers who must live in campers and seasonally migrate just to earn a wage. Something's gone badly wrong in our economy, and no one seems interested in fixing it.
No, they're interested in pointing fingers and placing blame. The overwhelming majority of our politicians suck.