I'm sure most of you have seen these, but I'm wondering what all of you who write more than me think about them (especially kleinbl00 and any of you who write specifically scripts).
A lot of it is old. Much of it is Disney DNA - Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott put most of it in writing in "Death to Readers" years and years ago. They learned in the trenches and a lot of the "latter golden age" of Disney (Lion King to Mulan) ended up greatly influencing Pixar. For those who study story, there's nothing new there - the interesting thing is putting it down as tweets. FYI - I'm a mod of /r/movies and I almost banned this this morning. We've recently taken a softer line on "educational" karmawhoring, however - if you're going to throw up an imgur gallery, at least teach people something. Thus, eighty gajillion upvotes.
I should add, though you probably don't care, that it's evident from posts like these that hubski is already starting to suffer from the easy-to-absorb content reddit syndrome. Not fully, but it's something I've been noticing a lot lately. I'm really sad about this but I don't think there's much that can be done about it.
Didn't know you were a mod of r/movies, I browse it every couple of weeks. It naturally walks a fine line between becoming an r/pics sort of thing, but I think y'all do a good job. This particular post was basically fluff and I'm pretty sure also a repost; I only sent it to hubski for the potential discussion.
Many of these tips were applicable to songwriting too.#19: Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating
-I'm not a screenwriter, but I can catch it when people "cheat" like this and it's always disappointing.
As much as I love images, I hope this site doesn't turn into a imaged based community like others. *ahem reddit.
The images are largely unnecessary in this case, the real bulk of what's interesting are the rules themselves, the images are more distracting than complimentary. I first read these on the writer's blog, and they felt clearer there than this version (and many others) which combine them with images. As rule 5 states: I'd be happy if hubski introduced a blanket "no images as main link" rule. Imgur is the main thing that killed attention span on reddit.Simplify. Focus ... You’ll feel like you’re losing valuable stuff but it sets you free.