Ok, I still don't get it. If I click feed I see stuf I'm following but also stuff that's tagged, e.g., #uspolitics · #feelthebern · #sillyseason
There's a post titled "Dear America, get your head out of your ass about Bernie Sanders" in the feed right now with those tags. I'm looking to just see my followed tags.
I don't follow any of those. Come to thin of it I'm not following #newtohubski either. Are those Badged posts? Is there a way to select my followed tags anywhere? I don't see a way to go to those easily.
The only thing bugging me is that I want a list of my tags easily accessible so I can come to hubski and be all "oh I want to see what's being tagged #comics or #news". Is there a way to do that?
Yeah i think I get it now. Thanks.
Have you considered a patreon model? I'm sure others would chip in.