What about something like TinyMCE for markup, for those of us too arsed to learn proper markup, but want to make things flashy
I thought it was just about as good as any new user sign-up for a heavily user-based forum can be. It suggested both people and tags to follow. To follow up with a few other comments, the tags and chatter links at the top are how I discover new content (not specifically related to the tags or people I follow) Idea: Maybe a "most active tags over the past x days" list, much like the twitter "Trending topics"
LOTR has to be up there, Susan Cooper's "the Grey King" is a good one, Charles De Lint's "Moonheart" is a little dated, but pretty awesome. It is now a day later and I'm kicking myself for not mentioning "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman, and "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman. In fact, if I had to choose it would probably be "The Golden Compass
Copy files into RAM before opening/using them. I hate the stupid "file in use" errors in windows.
That is a technique I've never seen before. I'll have to try it next time I drag out the french press. I'm usually a pour-over man myselfSkimming makes an amazing difference. I was shocked just how big this difference was when I first tried it, but it makes sense.
Glenn Gould's anything is my favourite, really.