Oh, but cicadas just want to bone, lay eggs and then die. They don't have time to be mean. Plus, free protein, right? These dudes on the other hand: Are mean. And fearless. And are gross when you kill them. And, they don't like getting wet which means that in a country like Vietnam, where these guys are found, they seek shelter, like say in a house on the side of a mountain, which I happened to live in. Vietnam also has a rainy season that lasts about half of the year :( In fact, many creatures don't like getting wet, like various species of large spiders and many kinds of snakes and lizards. I once got rid of a huge spider living in my closet by luring a leopard gecko into the space. A little lizard poop is worth not worrying about putting on a shirt only to have a large, hairy, inconveniently venomous spider scramble over the skin and out of harm's way. I choose the cicadas. EDIT: I forgot to include scale. That animal is about 20cm long, or about 8 inches.