I guess my big problem is that we're dealing with an existential threat to our country (Trump, not covid), and the media just don't have the same standard for both sides. If they did, this stuff wouldn't piss me off so much. But there are law suits against Trump for raping women that have actual physical evidence that have gotten less play in the media in total than one crackpot's potshot at Biden has in the last 3 days. If the media spent 30 minutes on Trump's allegations for every minute of Biden, I'd be less concerned. But democrats think they're being righteous by setting up a circular firing squad at every opportunity, rather than just shouting back, "Fuck off, there's nothing to see here so I'm not going to dignify it." Joe has real things to answer for, such as his treatment of Anita Hill, which was disgraceful. But until we're playing by the same set of rules, all bets are off on my opinion.