And I know they're lonely blue islands. And I know they're fucked by gerrymandering. My peeps even hosted them for a month to try and stem the tide. But that year, Tom Fucking Delay was the House majority leader, elected by those same Texas shitheads. And here's the thing - I can vote blue as fuck, I can give money, I can fight the good fight, and my daughter still has to deal with fuckin' Texas Jesus riding a brontosaurus textbooks. Because in this battle? The issue is fucking rural contagion spills all over everybody else. A blue "coastal elite" helping a red state means better education, healthcare and workplace protections. A red state redneck influencing a blue state? That means fuckers in my bedroom. But what's the problem? A liberal "bubble." Except even this fuckhead argues that the fuckin' hillbillies are self-selecting for their own news sources despite being inundated by "the liberal mainstream media". It's still somehow the liberals' fault. Any media survey you care to look at will expound on the fact that conservatives are far more vulnerable to bias. So there comes a time when we need to stop blaming the cavalry for not doing enough. Fuckin' fight your own injuns for once and give us a call when there's a reason to bother. Because it's not like the Southern Strategy created the backwards racism the Republicans are exploiting. They just said it was okay.