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I think Reddit is a big circle jerk in a lot of ways, but it has its moments too. I think I'll always go back to Reddit to be entertained but not to post anything (something I hardly did anyway). I do think there is also a hive-mind thing going on because of the general opinion on different things. The majority is always going to rise to the top. Hell, I'll go to comments sections just to see that other people are thinking/referencing the same things I was thinking of about whatever the post was, so I never NEEDED to post anything. It was all already said. Bottom line, I think when sites get big and popular enough there will always be hive-minds and some bad eggs. What we have here on hubski is really great because it gives everybody a fair chance to contribute and make discussions. I would never comment stuff like this on Reddit. And I have a feeling that this won't last forever, just judging by the track record of pretty much any media site that got popular. But who knows, we could have something special and long-lasting. Only time will tell.