95% of the time it is more important to me to be right than to let the other person win, even though it may mean the burning destruction of a relationships. In all honesty I don't think this will surprise anyone here too much. Is this really baggage though, or are these flaws? I would think that baggage are the built-up results of other relationships and the attempts one made at them, failing. For instance, "I am insecure because previously I was cheated on," as opposed to "I am insecure and have always been that way." With that in mind I am ferociously independent and self-motivated in relationships because previously, I have been a poor advocate for myself, and it's resulted in long, dragged-out relationships where I didn't really truly want to be there, but didn't have the backbone or the self-awarenesss to stand up and say "I'm out." I have previously repeatedly held my tongue and tolerated behavior from boys that I now no longer am willing to tolerate - so I speak up. A lot. All the time. Obnoxiously. My insecurities, they come and go.