I spend a large portion of my day thinking about what I will eat, or what I will cook in an effort to minimize waste and to build off of leftovers if possible. I'm in a phase of my life where I'm working on setting myself up for bigger and better things, so a lot of what I'm doing has to do with building on things day by day. If I knew it would be my last day, I'd cut all of that out immediately and then spend a bit of time convincing a friend or two to go on a ramble with me until it ends. I have no idea what could happen and that's what appeals to me. I think for me, my 20's have taught me the value of living like that and as I approach 30, I'm learning more about creating stability in order to lead a life of greater depth (I hope). As for something I'd like to do, I've always wanted to go skydiving, but I hear that can be one of those things one has to plan in advance.